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goodness co unveils a package of healthy daily ritual snack that promotes greater well being
news by shafa diandra
eating healthy and adequately is the most fundamental of good health and well being. amid the covid-19 pandemic, improving our “eating healthy” habit is as vital as consuming at least a liter of water in a day.
the polluted environment and air we encounter every day make our immune system vulnerable to viruses and bacterias. therefore, providing healthy eating can help the immune system stand stronger to prevent contamination, including helping fight against any virus or bacteria that come across.
according to mujcic, r. & oswald’s research on the evolution of well-being and happiness, they suggest that “healthy” food choices, such as eating more fruits and vegetables, might have physical and mental health benefits be a long-term investment in future well-being.
but when it comes to “consume healthily” today, we can not only refer to what kind of food or drinks we need to consume. recent studies have emphasized the connection between food or beverage products, their packaging, and what can actually drive healthy eating…